
How do I find out who rated my post?

Anyone know?  TIA
Mommy to three adorable boys!

Re: How do I find out who rated my post?

  • Log out, go to the post, then click the will give you a list of who rated how many stars.
  • Thanks Kitty!
    Mommy to three adorable boys!
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  • imagekittycarr:
    Log out, go to the post, then click the will give you a list of who rated how many stars.

    That used to be how you did it, but I was trying to test to make sure and it looks like it doesn't work anymore. When I'm logged out, I can't click on the stars. 

  • WTF!  I just tried it too and it didn't work.  I actually even logged out and it appears I'm still logged in.

    Hmmmm....very spooky

  • Yeah, it wouldn't even let me get to the boards when I was logged out so I still haven't figured it out :(
    Mommy to three adorable boys!
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