DD had been 95th for length and 75th for weight at 1 and 2 months. At 4 months she was 90th for length and 25th for weight but the doctor said it's normal for them to jump around the percentiles before they settle into a range. I asked them to weigh her last week when I found out she had both ears infected and she's still right on track with the 25th percentile for weight at 5 months. I imagine she is still around 90-95th for length.
Anyone else with a long, lean baby? The weirdest thing is that, while she isn't a chunker by any stretch of the imagination, she still has a decent amount of meat on her and doesn't look skinny at all. She better enjoy it while it lasts though because with our genes she won't be lean when she's grown up.
Re: Who else has a long, lean baby? (Big percentile difference between height and weight)
DD has always been between 15th & 25th percentile for weight & 75th percentile for height.
IDK his height & weight percentile but height vs. weight is in the 10th percentile. He's 29.5 inches long and approx. 18 lbs.
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this, though henry's 17 lb 12 oz. i think 3rd % for weight! he's got a metabolism like his daddy. i have NO idea where he puts his food.