Birth Stories

Our Little Girl's Birth Story

She is still nameless,?unfortunately. We have a day or two to figure it out. We are thinking about Emily Catherine, but still not certain of it!

I woke up on Thursday at 2:30 in the morning to pain in my belly. This was after I had been having painless contractions for a day and a half.

So I went out to the recliner to try to get some sleep, but after laying there for two more contractions, I realized that sleep wasn't in the cards.

I got on my laptop and kept myself busy for a while by sitting on an exercise ball to keep the pain down. I got Bill up around 5:30 because I knew he would need the sleep if it turned out I was in real labor.

We went out for a walk around 6 or so when the doc called and told me it was time to come in. At that point, I was having them 2-3 minutes apart for around 1 minute each. We didn't actually get out of the house for an hour and a half and the car ride was horrible!

We got to the hospital somewhere around 9 (I was a little too distracted to write down the time!) and they didn't even triage me! They wheeled me straight to a room towards the back.

My Midwife came in and checked me and I was at 4 cm! I had made it to active labor on my own out of the hospital.?

We got into a routine, Fetal Check, Walk in room, Birthing Ball, Lap or two down the hall, and then Fetal Check all over again. This lasted for a while, hours, I'm sure, but I could feel it getting worse and stronger. Bill was wonderful, he was right there with me ever single step of the way!

I decided to get in the tub after 1.5 cm of progress and see if it made things better. Well, by the time I got out, I knew I was further along, but I had only made it to 7.5 cm.

At this point, Bill looked at me and told me that I had endure FAR MORE than he ever could have and if I wanted to, I should consider the epidural. I got out of the tub and after my water broke (with Meconium present), I took some Stadol, which was supposed to take the edge off.

My memory on Stadol:

HORRIBLE CONTRACTION..... complete blank..... HORRIBLE CONTRACTION.... complete blank....

Needless to say, I was not feeling too good. At this point, I don't remember much, but Bill said they almost had to strap me down I was so crazy with pain. They finally gave me the epidural which was MAGNIFICENT!

I slept for a few hours and woke up around 7 or 8 in the evening. My contractions had slowed due to the epidural, so I was given a little Pitocin to keep things moving. I was checked again around 9:30 and I had a lip left so they gave me 45 minutes to clear that. During that time, I could feel no pain, but I could feel when contractions were starting and I could also feel the baby move down.

At 10:15, they checked and it was time to push!!!! So my first one was "Alright.. Not so bad..." according to the midwife. Since I was on the epidural still, it was hard to find the right muscles to push with.

On Meg's suggestion (my sister-in-law) Bill asked for a Mirror, which didn't help with the pushing, but was great motivation in between. So great, that I had her out at 10:56 pm, only around 40 minutes after the first PUSH. They told me 2 hours was the standard for first time moms on an epidural!

She was Meconium so they had to take her and suction her right away, but she was a 9,9 on the Apgar scale, and apparently no one gets a 10 with my neonatologist!

Bill went over and took some pictures. She weighed 7 lbs and 14.5 ounces at birth and was a little over 20 inches long. She also has a full head of hair, and I know I'm a little biased, but she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life!

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