DD has been a horrible napper. 20-30 minutes and she'd be awake, if you could even move her to the crib without her starting to fuss or cry. Sleeping in her bed at night was not a problem though, around 8pm and would go until 4-430 before waking, sometimes later.
I have had enough of coming home only to find out she barely slept all day long unless being held and having her exhausted and crabby the reset of the night. So tonight starts CIO. Bedtime is going to start being a lot earlier to help her catch up on sleep and hopefully she will start napping better when she is more well rested.
I left her room at 6:30 while she was quiet but drowsy. At 6:35 the crying started. It's now 6:42. Please tell me I can do this...
Re: Please tell me I can do this
This! I have other suggestions if you want. DS went through something really similar to your DC and we didn't do CIO but things did get better with other solutions!
are you sure CIO is neccessary right now? Can you hold her, rock her, sing, etc to quiet her, then put her down? What about white noise? When DS is screaming his head off super loud white noise always gets him to stop, and he ends up falling asleep. i downloaded an album of noises from itunes. u could try the vacuum or 560AM (its great static) for now. sometimes when DS won't fall asleep when I want him to I have to hang out in his room with him until he goes out. I think he'd cry for a very long time before he wore himself out to fall asleep.
I can hold her,nurse her rock her. She falls asleep - but the moment you start to shift in the chair she wakes up.
At nighttime though for whatever reason she stays asleep and you can put her in the crib and she's out for about 8 hours or so. Then all day long daddy can't/won't put her down for naps. I'm not here all day to help him and I am just at my wits end.
Why can't there just be someone to be there with you and help you?
So even though you didn't ask, here are my suggestions!
-Swaddle! Even if you think DC doesn't like it--try it for a few days for naps and see if that keeps her asleep. (It worked wonders for DS even though he used to hate swaddling.) I still swaddle him for naps. A swaddle tells him "It's time to sleep."
-Try letting her nap in a bouncy chair or swing or somewhere that she'll nap well. We let DS nap in his bouncy til he outgrew it at about 4 1/2 months old.
-Try napping with her on the bed! I nap and nurse DS on days when he is having a really hard time winding down. Usually that will get him to nap for 2-4 hours!
Good luck!
I would definitely suggest the swaddle. If your DC breaks free of a blanket swadle, then try the SwaddleMe or something like that. My DD takes short naps too, but if I swaddle her, she almost always sleeps for at least an hour. At 3 months, baby's just don't understand CIO.