Alabama Babies

Where to get (free) boxes?

We have a ton of stuff to put in storage.  I know I could buy boxes at UPS or wherever, but where could I get some for free?  I'm thinking a grocery store maybe...Costco...??? 

Re: Where to get (free) boxes?

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    amy0887amy0887 member
    Try the liquor store.  The boxes are heavy duty since most alcohol is in glass containers.
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    Also try office depot or staples.  We got several from there when we moved to our house.  You just have to go in and ask for them. 

    Edit: I meant to say we asked for the ones that they got their shipments in...not actually bought them there.  The manager was very nice and gave us the ones that they had their copier paper shipped in...they were pretty sturdy as well.  

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    Try the liquor store.  The boxes are heavy duty since most alcohol is in glass containers.

    Ditto!! They have great boxes.

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    I have also heard to call first and ask a manager to hold them for you.  Alot of times they will just immediately crush the boxes. So you might have to give them like 24 hours notice.
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    aubie96aubie96 member

    Try the liquor store.  The boxes are heavy duty since most alcohol is in glass containers.

    Ditto!! They have great boxes.

    This is what I've done each time.

    So Monica, did you get the house and/or are you putting yours on the market?!!?!?!?

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    Ditto the liquor store or a restaurant/bar.
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    I can ask my MIL to get some from the school if you'd like
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    Thanks for all the suggestions!  I checked several of the places you all mentioned, but I was too late in the day and they had already gotten rid of them.  I did have luck at BBB and Party City though!
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    aubie96aubie96 member

    Thanks for all the suggestions!  I checked several of the places you all mentioned, but I was too late in the day and they had already gotten rid of them.  I did have luck at BBB and Party City though!

    Monica, just keep trying.  Or purchase some wine or something at a liquor store and then ask them to save you the boxes.  That's what I did and the fact that I always went there prior to games (and needed liquor then, ha ha) they knew me and saved some.

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