
Q about feeding when they have a tummy bug...

He snagged a piece of my toasted bulkie roll and is asking for more. Is that a sign that he's feeling better and hungry?

It's pretty bland...

Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>

Re: Q about feeding when they have a tummy bug...

  • Totally bland enough.

    The way I deal with this is that if they are asking for food, ANY food (well, except for dairy), I give it to them.  If they puke, they puke. Hell, they are already puking anyway, right?

    Chances are, if they are asking for food, it's because they are feeling better and they are hungry!

  • If he is hungry that is a good sign I think.  Maybe just don't give him too much but it should be ok.

    I'm sorry you are still dealing with this.  I hope he feels better soon.

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  • yes, that is bland enough. My pedi says to stick with the brat diet with the flu. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.
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