Northern California Babies

Thank goodness I'd already experienced back labor

or else I probably would have f'ing died from the pain in my back and hip this morning. ?I've been going to physical therapy for my back and it was at about 80-90% of normal until yesterday. ?I was on the floor and Sara jumped on my back and oh my goodness I thought I was going to die. ?It just got worse over night and I toughed it out as I had a PT appt this morning. ?

Well Sara wanted me to help her with one of her toys this morning and that is when it happened. ?I was crouched down and I leaned forward OMG the pain that ripped through my back and hip was unbelievable! ?I thought I was either going to pass out or throw up from the pain. ?Thank goodness I went to PT and she helped so much! ?I'm still in a lot of pain and Motrin only takes the edge off of it. ?She said if I need to contact my Dr to get something stronger as my back is sprained. ?UGH!?

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Re: Thank goodness I'd already experienced back labor

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