Stay at Home Moms

games/activities for 9 - 12 mo

What kind of games and activities do you play with your 9 - 12 mo during the day? I'm trying to come up with some new fun things for us to do and maybe some new toys for us to play with together. Any suggestions?

Re: games/activities for 9 - 12 mo

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    When S was your DD's age she loved taking things out of bins and drawers and cabinets, so I had a big tub filled with small toys and rattles in the living room.  She also loved to play with the Fisher Price mailbox--she loved to open and close the door (she still likes this one a lot).  And she was really into her activity table.

    Right now she wants to be outside all the time.  She loves swinging.  She's learning how to throw a ball, and she's just starting to learn how to put things away, so we try to make a game out of that.  She also loves interactive songs like pat-a-cake and itsy bitsy spider--she tries to imitate the hand motions.  And she's really into peekaboo--she likes to hide around the corner and then pop out and surprise me.  Oh, and she's crazy about dogs, so a couple of times a week I take her to the park to watch a dog obedience-training class. 

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    I bought the kids a water table at costco and Grace loves to play with that. Mostly she just splashes the water but shes started to get a kick out of dumping all of the cups and other things out of the table.

    Grace loves to play peek-a-boo and to hear me sing-any song will do but she loves itsy bitsy spider. She loves to look at herself in the mirror and has a toy (fisher price sing and stage???) that has a mirror and plays music. She will just laugh and laugh at herself and has the best time!


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