Baby Names

Middle name for Hailey...

Does Hailey Lena sound ok? I want the name Lena as it was my grandmother but not sure if I want it for a first name or second. We had Lena Grace picked out but then I started thinking she should have her own name. Now I'm so confused...

It will be Lena Grace or Hailey Lena... But not sure if Lena works as a middle name...


Re: Middle name for Hailey...

  • Honestly, I do not like the sound of Hailey Lena at all. But if it's a family name and you want it, it's perfectly acceptable to use it. You'll rarely ever call her by both names anyways.

    Lena Grace is much better but still not my style.

  • Hailey Lena doesn't fit, IMO. Hailey Leanne, however, sound better and fits well. GL!
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  • kiki4kiki4 member
    I love Lena Grace.  If you decide to use Hailey, I'm not fond of the two together...what about Lauren as a mn?
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  • Lena Grace or Grace Lena are way better than Hailey Lena
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  • What about Hailey Grace? Hailey Lena doesnt flow very well.
  • What about Helena? That way, she has her own first name, but it still honors your grandmother.

     Helena Grace is beautiful...

    You could also try Alena, Malena.

    For a MN, could you not use Lena, but something very similar? Leah, Leanna, Leanne, etc. 

     Congrats and good luck!

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  • imagedairygirl19:

    Honestly, I do not like the sound of Hailey Lena at all. But if it's a family name and you want it, it's perfectly acceptable to use it. You'll rarely ever call her by both names anyways.

    Lena Grace is much better but still not my style.

    I agree with this.?

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  • Lena Elizabeth or vise versa-
  • It does not flow well, sorry
  • How about Alena Grace or Hailey Alena? You still pay homage, yet your DD will still have her own identity.
  • I don't think Hailey Lena has a very good flow. I prefer Lena Grace. - I support Newt Gingrich's idea of colonizing the moon if it'll help me get away from Newt Gingrich.

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  • I like Lena Grace A LOT better than Hailey Lena. It doesn't flow well and Hailey is nms.

    Lena could also be the nn for a longer name, that way it is after your GM but she still has her own name...

    Malena, Marlena, Alena, Elena, Helena, Selena....all sound pretty w/ Grace.


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  • I prefer Lena Grace.
  • I like Lena Grace better.
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  • LMS05LMS05 member
    Hailey is super cute, but doesn't sound great with Lena. I like Lena better for a middle name than a first name.?Is there any other family members you could honor??Maybe if you have another daughter in the future you could use Lena then...
  • Hailey is an adorable name.  You have to realize that her middle name, although it seems very important now, will soon become an initial.  (Assuming you are only going to call her Hailey).  So as long as H.L?. looks good together then you are fine.  I am a big fan of tradition and I say go with your family name, your daughter will love it in the long run.
  • ?Hailey is great and Lena gets a thumbs up from me. I love family names.?
  • imagemfransdell:
    What about Hailey Grace? Hailey Lena doesnt flow very well.
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