Some of you may remember back in the fall she started having strokes. They were unsure what was causing them. They did find a spot on her brain they thought was a benign tumor.
Fast forward to Dec. Shortly after my m/c she started having issues with bleeding. She never said anything to me b/c of everything I was going through. She had a pap and it came back abnormal. She went back and had another one. This resulted in an u/s and testing. She had a byopsy on Friday. She found out then it was cancer.
Today she got a call from her doctor who was at another hospital. (she does X days in our town and X days in Nashville) The doctor told my mom to meet her ASAP at the local hospital. We knew it was not good, for the dr to come all the way to town. She found out they think it is in her kedneys and liver. It is even possible the spot on her brain is cancer.
She is going tomorrow for a second opinion and more testing. If the doctor thinks it is as bad as her doctor she will go forward with the hystorectomy late tomorrow or early Wed.
The doctor today said with treatment she could have year to a year and half. Without chemo/radiation, but with a hysterectomy six month to a year. Withoug treatment at all under six months.
I am angry, hurt, discouraged, and a whole mess of emotions right now.
If you are still with me, you get a cookie. Thanks for listening ladies. I will follow up tomorrow.
Re: A little more insight on my mom.(long)
I am very sorry to hear about your Mom.
I will be praying for you as you decide what path to take with your mother.
oh, MW, I'm so sorry.
there really are no words
I am so so sorry MW! I would feel the same way...totally cheated. What an awful feeling. Your mom is in my thoughts. Keep us updated.
oh im sooo sorry!!! what awful news i 100% dont blame you for feeling the way you do! my prayers are with you and your family! Please keep us updated.... sometimes sharing your pain with others helps!!
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OMG MW, I'm sorry for the news. My thoughts are with you and your family.
I don't know where you're located but I know that Chemo Embalization (spelling) has done wonders for a lot of people I know with liver and other cancers. There is actually a doctor in my hospital who specializes in it, and also another one in NYC that I know of.
GL, I hope they are mistaken!
I've been thinking of you and your family since your earlier posts and will continue to keep you in my thoughts. I cannot imagine what you're going through right now. I wish you all the best.
Oh no! I'm so sorry you have to go through this, and of course your mother too.
They gave both of my grandparents 6 months to live at one point and they lived for 3 years, with treatment.
I hope tomorrow brings a clearer answer.