Baby Names

Family doesn't like name!

DH and I both LOVE the name Parker for a girl, so when we found out we're having a daughter, we announced her name, too.  We both have very common first names (Jennifer, anyone?) and our last name is Anderson.  So we were looking for something different and not in the top 100.

My brother said it is the worst possible name for a girl.  My dad asked us where we got it.  I had a co-worker say "I guess the important thing is that you guys like it"

Now I understand why people don't share names, but aren't they just going to say the same things after she is born (behind our backs)?

Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)

IVF #1/ICSI 2008 – 22 ER, 21 F, Day 3 transfer (8A and 8B) - BFP, 3 Frosties

Surprise BFP 2010

Surprise BFP 2011

Shipped frosties from TX to VA in 2012

FET #1 May 2013, single blast – BFN

FET #2 August 2013 2 blasts – BFN

IVF #2/ICSI/AH Jan 2014 – 8 ER, 7M, 6 F Day 3 transfer (grade 2 & 3), no frosties - BFP!

Re: Family doesn't like name!

  • I think its a great name!

  • It's not their baby and if you like it, that's all that matters. That is why we are not sharing until the baby gets here. When other people have their own babies then they get a say! Wink
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  • Well, I do like Parker, but for a boy. I prefer feminine names for girls. There are plenty of girls' names that fit your criteria as well, probably less common than Parker. So, of course some ppl will talk after the baby is born... some positive, some negative. But regardless, it's your kid, so they'll have to deal!
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  • imageStellar1:
    It's not their baby and if you like it, that's all that matters. That is why we are not sharing until the baby gets here. When other people have their own babies then they get a say! Wink



  • I've always agreed that people will say the same things when the baby is born. Some may say it to your face! I know my mom, for instance, would. And then it would only hurt more because the baby is HERE! I figure that telling early gives people time to adjust to the name. My mom didn't like DS's name but by the time he was born, she was over it.

    All of that being said, I think you are going to get comments on Parker for a girl for a long long time, from family and strangers alike. So be prepared! GL to you.

  • I'd rather have somebody tell me my child's name is horrible before I pick it then to name her/him that and have them tell me after it's done. That being said, there are prettier girl names than Parker.
  • Parker is one of my favorite names for girl and I strongly considered it for DS (before I knew he was a boy!) I actually love it for a girl and don't really care for it for a boy! I say use it, and who cares what anyone thinks! I think it is quirky which I like and it reminds me of Parker Posey!

  • imageguardgirl:

    I think its a great name!

    Me too!!?

  • Have their reactions made you change your mind? I think it would be hard not to question your decision, but ultimately, you and DH should stick with your instincts and go with a name you both love.

    FWIW, I think Parker is kinda cute for a girl! Parker Posey rocks the nameCool

    Edit: PS Are you really a Hokie?

  • Most people wouldnt openly criticize a name choice once their is a baby attached to it.  They may talk behind your back about it, but who cares.

    Honestly, it is your child and if you love the name then use it.  Once people see your beautiful daughter they arent going to care if they really like her name or not.  They will like her name because it is attached to her. 

  • Who cares what they think?

    FWIW, take this as a lesson that next time around, you won't tell them!

    Bro, but look how many ants are on this trash can...
    Zach Rance 4 President

  • Don't listen to your much as it pains me to see people name their kids ridiculous names (Parker is not one of those), its your child and your decision.  A friend of mine wanted to name her baby Oscar, but due to negative feedback, ended up using it as a middle name.  (I always call him baby Oscar now because I know how much she liked the name. )
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml

    It means Park Keeper and the origin is English. ?

    That being said there are some names like Avery or Taylor that are now very popular for girls. ?

    I think they just cannot imagine the name of Parker as a girl name. ?Maybe they have never met a girl named Parker. ?I would add a pretty middle name like Rose or Noelle--that way they are saying Parker Rose or Parker Noelle--it gets them off thinking that the name Parker just does not work and they focus more on the first and middle name working together for a pretty girl name. ?

    ?By the way, I went to high school with a girl named Jennifer Parker. ?She named her kids Jackson, Ashton, and Paisley. ?

    imageimageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image BFP on 07/18/08. Miscarriage 07/30/08. BFP 3/25/09. Confirmed second miscarriage, no heartbeat, no growth beyond 7 weeks, 5/19/09. TTC again, on baby aspirin, due to value of 23 on Anticardiolipin Antibodies. BFP 11/15/09. Brown spotting, Beta 3735 11/25/09, Beta 5602 11/28/09. Anticardiolipin Antibodies now negative, still on baby asprin. On 100 mg of Prometrium (progesterone) until 10 weeks. Good heartbeat at 1st appt. 12/16/09. Started taking fish oil. Perigestational hemorrhage and red bleeding 12/17/09. 2nd Ultrasound-8 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/17/09. Baby measured 9 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/23/09. Good NT Scan on 1/8/10, heartbeat 164. EDD 7/28/10. TEAM BLUE! Aidan Thomas born on May 26, 2010. Baby #2, BFP 11/27/11, EDD 6/5/12. TEAM PINK! Noelle Elizabeth born 4/30/12. Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God.
  • I totally feel your pain. my mom doesn't like any of the boy names we had on our list.. and we finally decided on one and she doesn't like it. i think that Parker is cute for a girl name. .. gl
  • LMS05LMS05 member
    I'm going to be honest. Parker is probably one of the worst names I've ever heard for a girl. It's SO masculine. Your family is right. Change the name!?
  • Haha..It's not THAT masculine..sheesh! Are you going to question every decision you make with your child if your family and friends don't like it!?

    If you guys really like the name, then go with it and be happy with your decision.

    It's not like you are naming the kid Euphagenia or Brody or something crazy.

  • I don't think Parker is any more masculine then Harper, Cameron or Emerson, so if you love the name, go for it.

    If it were me, I'd change the name if my family or DH's family continually expressed distaste for the name, but this is mostly because I'm around them a lot and they're not the type of people to let it go once the baby is born.  Especially DH's family-- they're the type to pick their own name for the kid and use that.  And honeslty, maybe this makes me a push over, but I'd rather pick my "silver medal" name than to deal with all that mess.

    If you don't think this is an issue for you, then go with what you love.  And Parker is very, very cute. 

    Married in 2008 - DD born in 2010 - EDD 6.15.2012!
  • LMS05LMS05 member

    I don't think Parker is any more masculine then Harper, Cameron or Emerson, so if you love the name, go for it.

    I think those others names are very masculine too.?

  • LMS05LMS05 member
    There are thousands of girl names to choose from, why would you even consider Parker? I don't get it at all. If I saw on a resume Parker Smith or whatever, I would absolutely assume it's a man. I'm so thankful it's not my name!! There are so many beautiful names that are not in the top 100.?
  • i always loved this name for a girl until i started hearing it everywhere. baby name wizard says:

    parker is still solidly male, but magnetic actress parker posey has lured the name toward the girls' side. if you want a more feminine name in the same genre, piper is one possibility. 

    i don't like piper and like i said, even here in oklahoma little girl parkers are all over the place. i doubt your daughter will be one of many in her class, but she certainly won't stand out in a bad way. don't listen to your family, it's a cute name.

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  • imageLMS05:
    There are thousands of girl names to choose from, why would you even consider Parker? I don't get it at all. If I saw on a resume Parker Smith or whatever, I would absolutely assume it's a man. I'm so thankful it's not my name!! There are so many beautiful names that are not in the top 100.

    my name is taylor, which is much more a girl's name now than a boy's but i still get mr. on mail every once in a while. i know a lot of people don't like boy/ unisex names on girls but there are so many girls named parker now. 

    if you're looking for similar name alternatives, think about cambell. also, please do NOT name your baby parker rose, that sounds stupid with the R sounds right next to each other.

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  • imageLMS05:

    I don't think Parker is any more masculine then Harper, Cameron or Emerson, so if you love the name, go for it.

    I think those others names are very masculine too. 

    Lol... I was just going to say the same thing!


  • This is why I didn't tell anyone our baby name.  If you like it, you should use that name.  It will either grow on them eventually or they will just have to get over it.
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  • Parker is nms, but if you both like it, then screw what they say and use it anyway.  We have an extremely common last name so we selected a more unusual name for DD.  When we announced it before she was born (BIG MISTAKE) my step-father actually said, "What kind of freaky a**  sh** is that?"  Dead serious.  We never heard a word about it after she was born and I doubt anyone cares anymore.
  • imageLMS05:

    I don't think Parker is any more masculine then Harper, Cameron or Emerson, so if you love the name, go for it.

    I think those others names are very masculine too. 

    Another ditto. I know it stinks that family is criticizing your name choice. However, if you are going to pick an unconventional name, one must expect some to make negative comments (tis life). I like the name Parker for a boy, but really dislike it for a girl. It, by itself, is a perfectly fine name but your family is probably up in arms bc you are having a girl.

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