Babies: 0 - 3 Months

recommend your swing

We have the Sweatpeace soothing center but this is the 2nd one that seems defective (doesn't do fluid motion but seems to stop at times) so thinking we'll just return it for a different swing. Ideally I'd like one that plugs in to avoid batteries but please tell me which one you like and whether it plugs in or not. TIA!

Re: recommend your swing

  • FP Rain Forest and it plugs in!
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  • We have the Sweetpeace one and love it.  We had a noisy motor and called Graco and they sent a brand new one (the whole piece where you turn it on) within a few days.  Have you tried contacting the company?  Maybe they'd do that or send you a different swing entirely.  I contacted them through email and got great, immediate service.
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  • If you asked me a few weeks ago I would have said FP Rainforest swing, but mine stopped swinging LO and she is only 9lbs 6oz! ?DH took the stupid swing apart on Sunday and he said that all the parts work (motor and microprocessor), but that they don't work correctly together. ?I'm saddened b/c I think the swing is SO cute, love the ability to plug in and rock back and forth and also side to side. ?I'm curious of others responses b/c I'm in the market for a new swing. ?
  • I have the FP Papasan Swing. I works great, but only runs on batteries. We've had to change the batteries once since LO was born.


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