Cincinnati Babies

What to bring to Birthing Class?

I have my all day birthing class tomorrow at Good Sams. What should I bring with me? Pillow, food, etc?


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Re: What to bring to Birthing Class?

  • What I remember being helpful was a notepad and pen to take notes.  It has been a while, so I don't remember about the pillow, etc...

    Enjoy your class!

    Married 12.27.03

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  • pillow, sleeping bag (or blanket or something else to lay on), snacks and drinks (if it is the same as the class at Christ)

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  • i got a call to remind me that i have my first class on monday and that i need bring a pillow.
  • we did the weekly classes and never used the pillows for anything "birthing."  they were just to sit on to make everyone comfortable.  i thought that was odd, so maybe other classes really use them.
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