Eco-Friendly Family

Convince me to get a neti pot

Why do I want one? Are they hard to figure out? Is there a learning curve? Do I have to buy it online or could I get it at a drug store/ target/ etc?

I've gotta do something about this cold/ infection/ whatever and I don't have many options here. 

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Re: Convince me to get a neti pot

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    I was nervous to buy one and use it the first time, but I really like it. For me there was a learning curve, I didn't lean my head forward only to the side and the saline water started going down my throat. It was gross, but I figured it out and both DH and I use it. You can find them at Wal-greens for $15 and it includes 30 packs of salt. I think if you aren't feeling well it's worth a try.
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    Idk anything about them, but I noticed yesterday they had them at my local grocery store, so I'm pretty sure you could probably find them in a store.
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    They are great.  Maybe I suggest this as one to consider getting.  It's a bottle, which gets up into your sinuses and flushes out the crap much better.  I went from chronic sinus infections to hardly any when I use it regularly (I'd have none if I remembered to do it daily).  It feels great when your nose is stuffy or dry.  It doesn't hurt and is easy to use.

    Edit: Oh and you can get it at CVS.

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    we just use one of those baby snot suckers to shoot salt water up your nostril and it will fill up your sinus cavity. works like a charm, kinda gross though.
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    I swear I had a sinus infection the ENTIRE time I was pregnant and neti (as I affectionatly call her) got me through some pretty rough nights! All the drugstores carry her.?
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    The Netti is my best friend!  I have used the squeezie bottle one and the nettie.  I use these 2-3 times a day as I have suffered from chronic sinus problems and polyps for7 years now.  The netti is better than any drug.  It may take a few times to get a hang of it, but you can do it!  You just learn to kinda close off the back of your throat.  I keep my head straight and lean over a bit.  When you are done, turn head side to side leaning over and the rest will run out.  Just be carefull if you use the squeezie bottle not to shoot the liquid up your nose to forcefully as this can create ear troubles.

    Good luck -it's a great investment! I have used the salt packets it comes with and also make my own with sea salt and baking soda.


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    I tell my patients to use the more modern version- the sinus rinse- and it works great.  The ear, nose throat docs and the allergists I work with recommend them as well.
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