Eco-Friendly Family

Cloth Wipe Warmer??

I am making my own cloth wipes and found a cloth wipe warmer at BRU.  It was a little more pricey than the traditional wipe warmers. 

Would you ladies recommend going ahead with this warmer (it was only about $5-$7 more).

Do traditional sposie wipe warmers work as well or is it a hazard?

Does anyone knwo anything or use this warmer?

-Warmies Cloth Warmer by Prince Lionheart 

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Re: Cloth Wipe Warmer??

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    i don't have that exact warmer, but i have that brand. it works well, i just have to keep the spongey thing moist. i'm not always so good about it. i have recently unplugged the warmer and just use the container for cloth wipes.


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    I have this wipe warmer. My kissaluv wipes don't fit through the wipes hole, but it's not a big deal, I just open the lid. It's super easy to use. I stuff my wipes (a days worth) in it a fill it with my wipes solution. There is no sponge pad thing or anything like that.
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    yeah my wipes dont fit through the hole, either. but i wonder if the one you're looking at does...

    (excuse poor grammar)

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