Alabama Babies

Bottle warmer?

Are any of these worth it?  I've read mixed reviews and was just wondering what y'all thought.  I am really just looking for one to use on road trips...TIA!

Re: Bottle warmer?

  • I took ours back and never used it.  Granted I'm breastfeeding so I don't have to do a lot of bottles with Avery... but...she'll take a bottle at any temp - even straight out of the fridge

    I found it easier to microwave a mug of water for 2 minutes and then plop the bottle in the hot water to warm up.  the whole process took less than 5 minutes to warm the bottle a little.  


  • Yeah, I figured I wouldn't need one at home...and I'm planning on trying to BF.  Neither my mother nor sister were able to, so I'm guessing I won't be either, but I'm sure as heck going to try!
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  • imagehamillm:
    Neither my mother nor sister were able to, so I'm guessing I won't be either, but I'm sure as heck going to try!

    Without trying to sound like too much of a BF hippy....  I am glad you are going to try!  My sister had a horrible problem w/her supply with both of her children and I thought I would too, but I have not had any problems, so don't count yourself down and out!

    Now, off my soapbox, I have a pretty cheap warmer from The First Years (I think) and I love it.  I heats the bottles in about 1-2 minutes, and even if you do BF, sometimes you may need to give a pumped bottle so that you can escape : )

  • I love the term BF Hippy!  Haha!  I was going to post about the same thing as Lisa - don't count yourself out!  Have a LC help you in the hospital too
  • Thanks for the encouragement :)  I will use bottles too, so DH and others will have a chance to feed him.  The problem with my mother and sister is they developed mastitis when the milk tried to come in, I'm really hoping that doesn't happen!
  • I have one-- The First Years Night & Day Bottle Warmer ($30 @ BRU) and I'm BFing too. I'm getting DS used to taking BM from the bottle since I'll have to go back to work full-time in <6 wks  =(   It was a gift from my registry, and I like it because it's very simple to use and DS is a little fickle about what goes in his mouth- he'll rarely take a paci and straight out of the fridge is too cold for him.

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