Indiana Babies

Thanks for the responses ladies!

Sorry I disappeared, Brooke has a cold so I have been busy with her. Gotta love the snot bulb! DH makes enough for us to live off his income but we are looking for a home and he would feel more comfortable if we had 300 dollars more a month for extras. I could probably find some people who just need sporadic babysitting and pull that in, I guess. There are a couple girls having babies that plan on going back to work and maybe I could help them out for a bit as well.

Re: Thanks for the responses ladies!

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    Have you thought about working at a day care?  I know several moms who do this because they can bring their kids for free and make some extra money.
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    Out of curiosity, where do you live? Seems like certain areas are full of daycare providers while they are few and far between elsewhere...


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    Good Luck!



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