D.C. Area Babies

She's Here!!! (long)

Emilia Victoria was born 6:48 am, Monday Feb. 23 (two days before my scheduled induction).  Whew!!!!

My water broke at 3:00 am while I was in bed.  I was actually awake because I had just gotten up to pee, and I had just nudged DH to get him to roll over to stop snoring.  Then I feel the gush.  And yes, it was a gush - none of this "oh it's just a trickle" stuff that other people have told me about!  I'm so glad DH and I had invested in a pricey, waterproff mattress cover when we bought our mattress in September.  Smile

I called the doc to tell him my water broke and I had juuuust started contractions, and he said "call back when the contractions are 5-6 minutes apart."  I hopped in the shower, started to get dressed and after tracking my contractions on contractionmaster.com I realized all of them were 2-3 minutes apart.  I call him back.  He says "but I just talked to you...?" (obviously surprised the contractions were so close together already).  We decide I need to go to the hospital - NOW.

By the time my mom got to our house to watch Anna (sound asleep through all of this) and we hopped in the car, we arrived at the hospital at 4:00 am.  Nurse checks me, I'm 8 cm dilated.  She says "this baby's coming soon!"  I say "Please tell me it's not too late for an epidural."  After leaving me in suspense, and pain, for a while, by 5:00 am the epidural lady arrives.  Thank goodness.  Epidural kicks in around 5:30 am. 

I start to push at 6:15, Emilia arrives, sunny-side-up,  at 6:48.

Afterwards the nurses are all remarking how fast I went... especially how dilated I was when I got there.  It did seem fast after the fact, but I'll tell you, between 3:00 am and 5:30 am when the epi kicked in, it felt like an eternity.

I ask about the sunny-side-up aspect of it all... with Anna they were careful to get her to turn before delivery.  One nurse said it was not such a big deal to have a 2nd or 3rd child sunny-side-up, that some doctors only bother turning 1rst babies.  She joked that had Emilia not been sunny-side-up she may have been born in the car on the way to the hospital!

All very different from my 20 hour labor with Anna, so that's kind of interesting.

We're going home on Wednesday.  I'm already having trouble breastfeeding, as I did with Anna at first, so I will be calling our LC from last time probably as soon as we get home.  Right now I'm enjoying being in our little bubble at the hospital.   My parents have Anna and DH is sleeping here with me.  Now I'm going to try to put two PIP:



Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.

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