Houston Babies

napping options?

my mom watches maddy during the day.

when my niece (who lives with my mom) was still in a crib, that's where maddy napped.  when my niece moved to a bed, maddy napped in a pnp in my mom's room.  ever since last week though, she has been crying whenever my mom tries to put her in the pnp, and she points to the big bed.  i don't want her sleeping in the big bed, bc when she doesn't sleep well, she is very, very restless, so i don't want her falling off the bed.

my niece's bed is not an option bc they nap at the same time.

the floor is the only option i can think of... are they still in cribs at daycares at this age?  when do they transition to sleep mats?

Re: napping options?

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    How old is she? ?DS naps on a nap mat at MDO just fine (we purchased at an embroidery shop - but have seen online). ?When we visited my parents, we started making a "pallet" of blankets for him to lay on a few months ago, but now he naps great on their guest bed (I pile pillows on either side of him just in case). ?I think she would do just fine on the floor, if a bed isn't an option yet.
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    DD hasn't napped in a crib at daycare since 15mo. She's either slept on a mattress on the floor or a mat. I'd just make her a little pallet of blankets on the floor.
    - Jena
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    Aidan takes his naps on the floor 8 out of 10 times and it is not because he is in daycare.  If he is in his crib he will fight going down more and then will be up and crying 30 mins later - if I put him down an a palate on the floor in our front living room/play room he goes immediately to sleep and stays out for an hour to two hours in the afternoons. 
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