Babies: 9 - 12 Months

is your 8 month old...

crawling? Or if not truly crawling are they getting on all fours, rocking, scooting, etc?

I'm just curious. I see such a range on here! In my mom's group the earliest a baby has crawled is 8.5 months. DD is not crawling, nor is she close to doing it. 

Re: is your 8 month old...

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    He crawls all around the house.. backwards. It is ALL he wants to do. He can go sideways or in a circle too but not forward. He does get on all 4s and rock too.
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    DS will be 8 months in a week and he is not crawling or getting on all fours. We're working with him on this, since his EI therapist said she would like to see him crawling at 8 months (presumably she meant b/t 8 and 9 months and not next week, which is not happening). But for now if I put him on all fours, he flatens right out.
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    we just started crawling but DD was trying for 2 months and on all 4's rocking and lunging fwd for the past month.

    It took her a long time to get the hang of it.

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    my DD scoots on her belly backwards and turns around.  She can get on all fours sometimes and rocks...but she hasn't gone forward yet. 
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    my older dd crawled right at 8 mo
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    DS is up on all 4's but isn't moving anywhere.  Just within the last day or so he has started rocking back and forth.
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    DS started crawling at 7 month 1 week, he is a mad man crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything
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    DD started to do the real crawl around 7.5 mos and now at almost 9 months she's pulling up on EVERYTHING and a super fast crawler.
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    Yes.  She started full on crawling at 6.5 months and now is into cruising and pulling herself on everything.
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    DS has been crawling since 4 months and cruising for a little under a month. 
    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
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    Nope.  My DD does not crawl, pull herself up or get on all fours. 
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    Yep. She started crawling 2 days after she turned 7 months and then 1 week later she started pulling herself up.
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    Yes DS is crawling on all fours for a few weeks will come and be ready for the workout.  Big Smile
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    DD has been crawling since around 6.5 months and started standing & cruising shortly after that (she will be 8 months on Sunday). It def. is a workout trying to keep up with her!
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    Jack started exactly 3 weeks ago.  Before that, he got on all 4's and "rocked" or "bounced" for 2 months.

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    DD is 7 months will be 8 months on ?March 9th and crawls, pulls up and walks pushing her baby stroller or shopping cart or holding onto the furniture. The pulling up started right after Christmas and the crawling on New Year's Eve.?
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    DS just started scooting around on his belly this week.  He is nowhere near hands and knees crawling yet though.  He has been pulling up and cruising for 2 months though and has actually taken a step or two on his own.  Babies are strange little creatures.
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    Mine didn't till 9 months 1 week old, and she was/is perfectly fine! There is a wide range with crawling, much like there is for rolling over.
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    yeah she was crawling at 5 months 3 weeks and pulling up on everything a week or two later. now she's an avid cruiser!
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    DD is almost 9 months and not crawling yet.
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    ds has been crawling for a little over a month. he started pulling up about 3 weeks ago, and is now starting to stand on his own and take a step...
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    He's been crawling since 5.5 months.
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