
Mother of the Year, right here!

So we've only had Miles this weekend, since he's been sick. Oliver and Linus are at their grandparents'. Consequently, Miles has been getting lots of attention. And lots of liquids. (It's hard to let all three have water or milk whenever they want, since it involves strapping into high chairs since DH doesn't want them having liquids anywhere else.) So he drank a LOT.

This morning, I went to get him out of bed, and he was SOAKED. Soaked through the diaper, and his jammies were damp from head to toe. Ick. He wasn't complaining or anything, but I felt awful. For what, I don't really know. I didn't put him in an overnight diaper (we haven't been using them for a while because they haven't needed them) just a regular one. 

Sigh. At least it wasn't cold last night. I put him right into a nice warm bath, but still. Geesh.

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Re: Mother of the Year, right here!

  • Aw, poor little guy.  At least you know he is getting enough fluids!  Hope he is feeling better soon!
  • Aww.
    Must be fun having only one baby! ;) And btw I can't believe how grown-up your guys are looking these days! They've changed so much just since I joined the Bump!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • Awww, don't beat yourself up!  You know he's not dehydrated!!  :)
  • You were just testing his non-nighttime diaper, yeah that's right :P

    My boys wake up wet more often than I like...they are very good peers, lol!

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