
Philly/Preston&Steve girls - Vag Project just launched from next door!

I'm at work and just saw Pierre launch the Vag doll off the roof of the building next to ours! Hysterical - hope some lucky & deserving woman gets something nice for V-day out of it!!!


Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Philly/Preston&Steve girls - Vag Project just launched from next door!

  • I don't get what the hell that is but OMG Mia looks adorable!!!
  • oh god thats too funny

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  • imagexbrooklyngrl:
    I don't get what the hell that is but OMG Mia looks adorable!!!


    Ditto this, and B is TOO CUTE, too!

    Are they releasing a blow up doll??

  • Every V-day (well today cuz they don't air tomorrow) this morning show launches a blow up doll (named "Vag") into the air and attached to her is a $1,000 g.c. to a local jeweler. It's hysterical! The doll took off, I have no idea how far she went.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • oh that is awesome! lol what a great idea!

    Stop f*cking with Mia's pic!

  • Ha!  I love P&S.  I can't really listen to them much now since Ryan likes to repeat everything he hears.  I don't want him running around saying "oh my balls!" Or something similar.  lol
  • Linz - I don't get to hear them much either but I may start downloading their podcasts and playing them while I work.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Last I heard (at around 9 AM) she was in Atlantic City...the wind is really carrying her! The chopper can't even go to the altitude that she's at...they said it's possible planes would be able to see her at that altitude!!!
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  • imageVivaAmore:
    Linz - I don't get to hear them much either but I may start downloading their podcasts and playing them while I work.

    I would totally do this if I could.  I've been listening to them since they were on Y100.  I was PISSED the day they just vanished from that station.  I'm so happy they're back!

  • imagelzybeanie:
    Last I heard (at around 9 AM) she was in Atlantic City...the wind is really carrying her! The chopper can't even go to the altitude that she's at...they said it's possible planes would be able to see her at that altitude!!!

    Holy crap! AC?!?!? That's amazing!

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
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