
Anyone else not able to get past Christmas?

It's still Christmas here, all the time. Books,music, movies, etc. We keep telling Mia that Christmas is over and it will come again in SEVERAL more months but she isn't getting it!  I'm sure even if we hid all the above mentioned things, she'd still walk around singing "It's a holly jolly Christmas"!
Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Anyone else not able to get past Christmas?

  • lol!  Ryan still talks about "mismis trees" but that's about it. 
  • I just stopped letting him watch Polar Express-- it has been on since Thanksgiving!

    I bought a ton of Vday books just to change the holiday, LOL?

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  • LOL About 2-3 times a week DS1 asks me if it's Christmas time now. I tell him no, xmas is over. He says, "Well what is it now then?" Umm, nothing-time? Valentines day time?
  • We still have a Curious George xmas book but we also can't seem to put down the Dora's Halloween book either, so I don't know.  I really think M thinks that Christmas was a one time deal - she was very sad when the xmas tree was not where it was supposed to be. :)

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Yes! DS was singing Jingle Bells at the top of his lungs in the store the other day, and then almost everytime we get in the car or go for a walk he wants to "go look at the Christmas lights." 
  • We finally put away the Christmas CD that was in the car.  I couldn't take one more day of "My Two Front Teeth"!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • lol ACTUALLY, you just brought Xmas back to our house!

    now B keeps saying look what santa brought me.

  • Well, our Christmas tree is still up and decorated with presents under it!  lmao

    We're waiting for MH to get home.  Alexander informed us after Christmas that the tree was not allowed to come down until Daddy came back  So, we're waiting.  We will have Christmas again when he comes so that he can get the chance to enjoy it with the boys since he missed out.

    (I only wish I knew when he will actually be home...this waiting and rescheduling crap SUCKS!)

  • Ian still walks around saying "Ho Ho Ho, meeeerrrry Ismiss"
  • OK then, good to know it's just not us!
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Yes, the boys are both obsessed & talk about it all the time!
  • I made a video from Santa online that MelandJeff suggested and Lila was obsessed with it!  About 3 weeks after Christmas I finally had to tell her Santa was all gone and back in his workshop. LOL.
  • DD was quite sad when the tree came down.  I put a few v-day things out and tried to "transition" her out of xmas by pumping up v-day.  A few days later, she asked when daddy would put up the v-day lights.  Smile
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  • imagetrue_norskie:
    DD was quite sad when the tree came down.  I put a few v-day things out and tried to "transition" her out of xmas by pumping up v-day.  A few days later, she asked when daddy would put up the v-day lights.  Smile

    We also just sang Jingle Bells on our way to daycare this morning.

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