3rd Trimester

Anyone hate their navel and boobs being touched?

OK, since hitting 3rd tri, I HATE when my DH rubs my belly and brushes against my boobs, well, really my nipples, and goes over my navel. It gives me the same feeling as when I hear nails scratching a chalkboard.

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Re: Anyone hate their navel and boobs being touched?

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    Yep! I had to tell Dh the boobs are off limits because it just creeps me out for some reason... they feel wierd.
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    I hate my boobs being touched!!  I remember after DD was born, when my milk came in, my boobs were so engorged.  I begged my DH to rub them because it was the only thing that was helping with the pain.  So he always asks if he can help me feel better.  I just yell at him if he wants to keep his hands, he will kindly stay away!
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    Yes, for both boobs and navel - although I have hated it even before I got pregnant. I thought I was the only one!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Yes, but the worst is that DS likes to poke me in the belly button, which hurts like a mother.  He is obsessed with belly buttons.
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    the belly button doesn't bother me, but the boobs bother me SO much!  DH has gotten better at not touching/poking them even when he's trying to be funny.  i think he realizes that there's a good reason for it to be fully annoying right now.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    my DH doesn't get near my navel...but as for my boobs...he can't keep his hands off them now that they are 2 sizes bigger...and I can't say I don't like it!!! Wink
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    I don't mind the belly but I can't stand the boobs.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    My boobs aren't as sensitive as they were in the first two trimesters but don't go near my navel!  It feels like my stomach will explode if it is touched.  I am constantly rubbing hydrating cream on my stomach which does not have any stretch marks but feels like it could pop at any moment. 
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    I can't bloody stand it!!!!! He knows how much it pisses me off but he still does it... every day! The belly button is the worst. He likes to poke his finger right in there. I have threatened to haul off and punch him in the face next time he does it.... but that wont stop him.

    sick bastard. hahaha

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    My boobs didn't bother me...but I hated having anyone touch my navel. I freaked out.
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    I have always loved havin my boobs played with but ever since I got pregnant the nipples are so sore that I basically told DH not to even breath on them. The other night we were having sex and he bit my nipples...needless to say that was the end of it...I WAS READY TO HIT HIM!

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