Northern California Babies

Birth story of my son

D and I had my best friend with us, she was staying at my house until Saturday 1/10 for her mom's funeral and wrapping up final affairs.

I was so nervous, I barely slept the night before and had an upset stomach from nerves. I also felt nauseated from the time I woe up.

D, Jess and I piled into the car, running late to make the 7:30 appointment. We made it to the hospital and checked into labor and delivery exactly at 7:30 am. While waiting to register, I heard the nurse on the phone that the rooms were all full and canceling appointments. They actually tried calling us to postpone, but we were at the new house. I got the last room available that day.

When I was hooked up to the monitors, I was told I was having contractions, although they were not regular, I had not realized what they were. My OB came into see me around and check my progress, I had not changed from my appointment on Tuesday, at 8:30 she broke my water. At 9:00, I was started on Pitocin. After I received the Pitocin I became more nauseated than earlier and got some Zofran for it, which helped it go away for a couple of hours.

I was told again how busy they were and make sure to get an epidural if I wanted one soon. I waited for a couple of hours before requesting it, and I was not in too much pain. I wanted to make sure I could receive it when the time came. I don't really remember what exact time I got the epidural, but I think it was around noon or 1 pm.

Slow with dilation, I progressed from the 1 centimeter I had arrived with to about 5 by 5 pm, the next few centimeters went fast, I was 10 by 7:30 when I was told that I could start pushing. Thee was a point whne the nurse left to go and call my OB to have her come back where I was instructed to push - I got so nauseated I was throwing up the entire 10-15 minutes I was left without the nurse.

The epidural had just enough pain relief, but I was still able to feel the contractions on one side of my belly, which helped me know when to push and when a contraction was coming.

I was having an okay time pushing, I was worried about pooping when I did, which the nurse assured me was fine. I had a wonderful labor and delivery nurse - her name is Kimber, she helped D and I get through what I considered to be something I was scared and nervous about.

I was so thankful to have my best friend and D in the room with me. I had wanted to have my mom and D with me when I delivered and my best friend was the next best thing, she is like a sister to me.

I was told that when I pushed Brendan's head would come down then go back up. I was getting tired of pushing after an hour and a half and over 12 hours of contractions and dilating.

My OB gave me the option of using a vacuum suction on his head and giving one last push or get ready for a c-section. By this point I was just wanting my little boy out and told her to try the vacuum suction. The nurse called to check the status of the operating rooms so we could prepare for a c-section.

One big push and the vacuum suction attached and Brendan was out! We were all surprised, the staff did not think it would be so quick. I know I could not have delivered Brendan without my Mom looking over us.

I had Brendan placed on my chest, it was amazing to see my little boy for the first time.  I fell in love the moment I saw him.  I was also relieved that he was indeed a boy like I was told.

We stayed in the labor and delivery room that night because all mom & baby rooms were full. The nursery was also full that first night, so we got very little sleep that first night.

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