Parenting after a Loss


Hey- I just wanted to check on you and see how you were feeling. You're still on bedrest, right? Are you going crazy yet?

When do they think they will induce you? I think you should ask for Wednesday, Feb. 4th. That is a good day, otherwise known as Sueball's Birthday. Just sayin'.

I betcha Cuppa will be like Leo and make up for her growth restriction in the first few months. I think these little scrappers come out and are just VERY hungry, trying to catch up... so either get your boobs ready or stock up on formula!


Re: *may*

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    first of all, i love your new siggy pic!  what a cutie pie!

    i've not really been on bedrest yet.  i needed to finish the work week in the office but have been coming home and planting myself on the couch for the night as soon as the day ended.  i'll rest as much as possible this weekend and then starting on monday, i'm officially working from home (on the couch) until i deliver.

    i keep thinking that i'll go in on monday for my u/s and they'll tell me she's much bigger....we'll see if that happens.  if not, i feel as ready as i'm going to feel for her to come!

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