

I saw your question in my post below reg child care. Each state/county has different requirements so you'll want to check. Anyone being left alone with our foster children must pass background checks and fingerprints. If the sitter will be watching the child in their home on an ongoing basis, they must also pass a home inspection. We chose to go with licensed day care providers. They already have everything completed, are heavily regulated by the state, and then we qualify for a stipend to help pay the expense.

Child care is always difficult when the child first arrives. There are very few openings in my area, esp for toddlers. When a child is placed, I take the next day(s) off of work and make a gazillion calls and visits to day care providers. It took me 50 phone calls and 9 hours to find a day care I liked for our current child. I have found great day care providers and am slowly building a network so hopefully in won't be so hard the next time! HTH!

Re: ***8.9.8isthedate***

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