
2 year old stripper- anyone else have one?

DD is constantly taking her clothes off. I left her on the couch to get her something to drink and I came back and she was sitting with nothing but her underwear on... shes quick! I think it's funny, but I somehow have to convey that it's 19 degrees outside and she needs to keep her clothes on! Ah, this is a fun age!! :)
*Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: 2 year old stripper- anyone else have one?

  • Lol! Totally. We call her a nudist. She loves running around naked. Some days it's all about distraction to just keep her clothes on long enough to get out the door! Haha. Good times.?
  • I have a pole dancer.  Does that count for something?  Tons of toys in the basement, and all my kids want to do is swing around the pole!
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  • If I knew how to PIP I'd show you hilarious photos of my 2 year old son TAPED UP.  He would take his PJ's off and then his diaper off... it was not a pretty picture in his crib  lol

    He's so dextrious (sp?) that we had to make sure the ends of the tape were on his back because he could peel the tape otherwise.  He got used to holding his arms up in the air while we taped him.  He had no idea we did it only because he was such a stripper monkey :)

    And we used a lot of 2T snap long sleeve onsies... haha

  • Yes....the boys love to be "nake" (as they call it)...although they leave their diapers on. I am to the point where I just let them run around in diapers sometimes just to "keep the peace" (inside only of course).
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