I know that children born early often develop closer to their adjusted age than their actual age (lucky us moms- esp. when it comes to sleeping!). But I have a question as to whether WE are supposed to shift milestones for this as well.
Specifically, my kids are 5 months and we are probably going to start solids next month (6 month mark). But I'm wondering if we should wait a bit longer b/c they were a month early, so are their stomachs and digestive systems still like a 5 month old? I know it's perfectly fine to start solids at 5 months, but I really want to follow the pediatric recommendations for this.
Would love to know what other early multiples moms did...
Re: Question about "adjusted age"
I don't know that we necessarily do it the right way, but we don't account for an adjusted age b/c they were born at 36 weeks. I think if they had been any earlier we might have adjusted.
I get so frustrated with all of the milestone marks and stuff like that so I pretty much disregard the guidelines. My girls are not on the size charts for 12 weekers, but that's ok because I see them growing and developing and that is most important.
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