I cannot believe some of you are judging a grieving mother for having a picture of her stillborn child in her siggy. I am probably more judgmental than the next gal but it's pretty appalling to read those negative posts regarding her picture. I think Krisbri said it best: that is her child! The picture makes me completely uncomfortable, but I can still see the beauty in it. It makes me feel empathy first and foremost. I feel so sad for that poor woman and happy that she was able to have a picture of her sweet baby born to Heaven. Some of you on here could seriously take a lesson in how to be more empathetic.
Re: wow re: bluesmoothie post
So, because I don't like the picture, I'm not empathetic? You could not be more wrong. I feel very much for anyone who has suffered a loss. Pictures like that should be kept private unless someone wants to see them.
Fantastic that you didn't mind, but it's just not something I was prepared to see, and it's not something I want to see.
I have typed, and deleted now twice.
I think I've found my line. I will be grateful that I've never had to go through a m/c, hug Jackson and just back away from that post. It's making me feel icky just reading it.
So, fellow nesties, I do have a heart, and a line. This is it. I will not flame people for sigs following m/c or how they deal with their m/c.
Now if it's a faux m/c? All bets are off.
I have empathy for her BECAUSE she has that as her sig pic.
She clearly needs some help. Not a single sane person would put a pic of a 15w fetus as their SIG PIC. Sure, maybe take a picture for your own purposes. But good God --- have some tact!
And it's not that I'm disturbed one single iota by the image --- I'm disturbed that someone would think it's appropriate and necessary to put it as a sig pic.
I, for one, do not lack empathy in the least.
Like a PP said, we weren't flaming her for the pic, just said it doesn't belong as a siggy for the entire world to see.
Leave it to you Purfff to jump all over this. Oh that's right, but you called me a C*nt not long ago, so I should have expected nothing less from you.
Matthew James 1/11/07
And another thing (so I sound like your mom yet?):
She is a poster on a loss board, not on a parenting board, or a TTC board... She is in the company of people who understand her loss, so while it isn't sane to a lot of other people, it doesn't make it wrong. It's about knowing your audience and the audience there isn't disturbed by it.
I am sorry for her loss. I have also suffered a loss and understand people grieve differently. I guess I just don't understand her need to post a photo on a public message board for the world to see... literally.
Well your right except that their are woman who go on there after a loss and have no idea that they will see that picture. I can see how it would be VERY disturbing to lose a baby and then without warning see that picture. For that reason I think it is very selfish to have a picture in your sig. The reason I don't like this picture has nothing to do with me, but it has everything to do with feeling bad for a woman who is "forced" to see that picture after going through a loss themselves.
Actually, some of them are.
To me it's like any other death. If I put a picture of my dad in my sig, deceased and in a casket, that would be a bit odd and unsettling, would it not? (there aren't any, he was cremated, I'm just making a point here)
Same as a deceased fetus/baby. Odd and unsettling. If that's what someone needs to do to get through the day - more power to them. But I don't particularly want to see pictures of dead people while I'm at work, so I would block that person so I don't see it. I also haven't clicked on the link - because I don't want to see it.
Oh good, at least the feeling is mutual then.
Matthew James 1/11/07
honestly, i find it inappropriate to put pictures of any dead bodies on the internet. so does most of our society. even when news outlets have pictures of accident victims, etc, they still don't post them because they're graphic and disturbing. if somebody wants to post a picture of their dead baby and label it as a picture of their m/c or stillborn, then super. i completely understand having the pictures and keeping them for your own viewing because it is your child, just like you said. however, i still find it odd to continually post pictures of a dead body and i dont think i'm mean for saying it.
Sorry, krisbi, but there is a difference. I wouldn't want to see pictures of someone dead in a coffin either.
How would you feel if I posted a sig pic of my 9 week m/c that I passed? Would that be ok? It was my child.
But you have to have respect for others in pain also. Looking at a full term baby who passed is a lot different.
I bet those who think its ok have really big issues looking at aborted babies.
I agree. Sorry KrisBri. It isn't the same.
I feel bad for her, but it just isn't appropriate.
I totally agree. I can't believe how many snarky comments people take the time to type up and post about this poor grieving mother. Ironically, everyone posting here has a sig pic with a beautiful healthy child. *Try* to put yourself in this other person's shoes. This is all she HAS of her child, which, to her, is beautiful.
It isn't like she is sending you an email. She has it in her signature and she posts on a pregnacy loss boards. Have some compassion. Just scroll past... if you are even on that board at all (which most of you don't even go there and only got involved in this because BlueSmoothee decided to amuse herself on the pregnancy loss board).
The picture doesn't bother me in the slightest, there is a lot ?out there, pictures of all sorts of misformed, deceased babies. ?It's sad but its real. ?Many people take pictures of their stillborns in fact, it's part of the healing process and there is a whole non-profit org set up to support it: ?Now I Lay me Down to Sleep is pro photogs taking free pro pictures of decease and "not compatible with life" babies, just before death. ?
Oh and I would rather see nature's rath than any aborted baby anyday. ?
I think it would be just as inappropriate for me to post on the loss board (as I have not suffered one)....