
need to get something off my chest & dont know how to deal with it

I will be donating my kidney to my BIL in Jan.  I'm actually honored to be able to do this.

Well the family both dh's family and BIL's family keep saying "thank-you" and "this is the most unselfish thing you are doing"  stuff like that.  They do it every time I see them and they email several times a week. 

I'm getting kinda embarrassed by all of this...well I dont know if thats the right word... and I dont wanna tell them to stop saying this kind of stuff & hurt their feelings.  To me its no biggie.  I know its a HUGE deal but its a no brainer I would do this for my BIL so I dont see what the big deal is.

You guys are the only ones who know how I feel about this.  I'm afraid to say something to dh because he's one of the people who does this so I cant exactly talk to him about it.


Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!

Re: need to get something off my chest & dont know how to deal with it

  • Well, perhaps to get it off of your chest to SOMEONE that is saying this, you could say to DH one of the times he mentions it, "You know what honey, I just see it as the right thing to do.  It's a no brainer to me.  I'm no saint...just doing what I feel is the only thing to do."

     Something along those lines.  You know without sounding mean or anything.  Maybe telling ONE person (or even everyone if you get the right wording) will help out.

    FWIW:  It IS a wonderful thing.  I agree with you too, though, if my BIL needed something that I was able to give to him then I would do it without thinking twice about it.

  • I think its a very noble thing you are doing and deserve the praise. ??image

    I don't know if there is a way to answer this post without saying what you don't want to hear anymore....?

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  • Sorry to tell you more of what you don't want to hear but what you're doing is incredible!

    And completely unselfish and just wonderful.

    Take what they say as truth!  You are a kind person and you deserve to be told that.  And frequently.


    Me with my littlest.
  • just take the credit and thanks, you deserve it. While you see it as a no brainer, believe me, there are many that wouldn't do what you do whether you know this or not. Mrsterry had a great suggestion.
  • what about just saying 'i get a little embarrassed by all the attention, so lets talk about something else'
  • I'd mention it.  Jut tell your H that you'd hope someone would do it for you.  That's what families do. 
  • Bless your heart

    I know people who wouldn't give their BIL bus fare, let alone a kidney.


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