Cloth Diapering

Fitteds vs prefolds for NB

I used mostly prefolds on my DS, but couldn't find tiny enough covers. With Rumparooz thirsties NB covers I couldn't cloth diaper sans fit issues till almost 3 months. I have really tiny babies under 5lbs at birth for the last 2. I thought I would give NB AIOs a shot this time, and already have 15 of them GroVias, Lil' Joeys, BumGenius, XS Fuzzibunz, XS Charlie Banana, a swaddlebees simplex. However, after reading a few posts today mentioning outgrowing absorbency before outgrowing size I'm thinking fitted diapers may be an option to fit my needs. What would you say? Fitteds or prefolds?

I do have 3 kissaluvs size 0, 2 or 3 of the thirsties fitted too.
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Re: Fitteds vs prefolds for NB

  • I don't have a lot to offer as I'm only in my first week of cding but I wanted to say that I'm using the bummis nb prefolds and nb superbrite covers on my 5 pounder and they're working great.
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  • For a tiny baby, I agree with PP - newborn size Bummis Super Brite covers. They are significantly smaller than Thirsties nb.

    As far as PFs v fitteds, it's really a personal preference and what your budget will allow. I loved nb fitteds, but also used prefolds.

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  • I think I had a a Bummies super bright with my last too. I think I snagged it out of the clearance bin at my local CD store. Thanks for the suggestion.
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  • I loved fitteds at the newborn stage.

    And you are changing diapers almost constantly at that stage, so really they only need to be so absorbant. DS would not nurse if his diaper was wet, so I would change him before a feed. And he would, without fail, poop during or after the feed, so that was another diaper. And then we wouldn't go back to sleep with a wet diaper. So I was changing him nearly every hour anyway.
  • I love fitteds in general, so I'd go with them. :)  Whenever #2 comes around, I'm planning to pick up a bunch of nb gmd workhorses.  

    And ditto @freezorburn, my girl absolutely hated being wet as a nb, so I was changing every 60-90 mins it seemed!

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  • Robi1Robi1 member
    My 5lb newborn has been doing awesome in Kissaluvs size 0. They seem a little large (what doesn't on one so tiny??) but we have had zero leak issues so far! We use Prowrap covers so far. 
    #1 7/2013
    #2 3/2015
    #3 3/2017
    #4 10/2019
  • To me, the KL0s are worth the extra cost (vs. prefolds). 
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