I used mostly prefolds on my DS, but couldn't find tiny enough covers. With Rumparooz thirsties NB covers I couldn't cloth diaper sans fit issues till almost 3 months. I have really tiny babies under 5lbs at birth for the last 2. I thought I would give NB AIOs a shot this time, and already have 15 of them GroVias, Lil' Joeys, BumGenius, XS Fuzzibunz, XS Charlie Banana, a swaddlebees simplex. However, after reading a few posts today mentioning outgrowing absorbency before outgrowing size I'm thinking fitted diapers may be an option to fit my needs. What would you say? Fitteds or prefolds?
I do have 3 kissaluvs size 0, 2 or 3 of the thirsties fitted too.
Re: Fitteds vs prefolds for NB
For a tiny baby, I agree with PP - newborn size Bummis Super Brite covers. They are significantly smaller than Thirsties nb.
As far as PFs v fitteds, it's really a personal preference and what your budget will allow. I loved nb fitteds, but also used prefolds.
And ditto @freezorburn, my girl absolutely hated being wet as a nb, so I was changing every 60-90 mins it seemed!
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019