For Mobile: Baby A's belly is small-Advice please!
I had my last growth ultrasound today I am 36 1/7. I am pregnant with Di/Di boys and baby A has always measured smaller. At one point there was a 23% discordance but the MFM wasn't too concerned since they were both above the 50%.
At my u/s today Baby A's abdominal circumference was measuring 3 weeks behind. Everything else measured okay, and Baby B measured on track or ahead like always. Baby A's wt was 6#2oz and Baby B is 7#6oz. Because of A's abdomen it dropped him to the 17th percentile while B is 78th percentile.
I am waiting for the report to go over to the OB (it was a different OB who ordered it than my regular one) before I call, but just curious if anyone has experience with this? I am scheduled on August 1st for my c-section but I'm wondering if they would take them earlier due to the difference.
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated!!
Re: baby A's belly is small-advice please!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
we are in very similar situations! Let me know what your OB says!
No c-section date yet... They keep trying for 8/2 or any day that week. My OB says they will get me in. So, we will see! I'm anxious for a date! How have you been feeling? I've been having a ton of Braxton hicks contractions.
Oh gosh I can't imagine not even having a date yet! I think that is the only thing getting me through this knowing that I only have 8 days to get through at the most. I am feeling large, was measuring 47 weeks last week! I had a ton of BH over the weekend to the point of almost going in, but then they would stop. I don't think anything is going to start on it's own at this point. I have horrible carpal tunnel, tingling, numbness & pain in both hands. If it wasn't for that this would be a lot more manageable. I am just anxious to meet these boys!
Thank you for your response, this makes me feel a lot better!
No problem! It was scary to hear the news, but I can assure you that both if my boys have big ole bellies now! They were less than five lbs at birth, but didn't spend a second in the NICU and they are currently eating me out of house and home!!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
That is fantastic!! I know that u/s are only an estimate too, especially at this point. I am trying not to worry, especially since I have no control over it. I also know if they needed to come now they would probably be just fine!
my OB says that they will get me in by 8/2 and not to worry. So, I am counting that as my end date. So close!! I have been having a ton of BH too! Even through the night last night. Of course they calmed down for the NST today. :P my hands have also been tingly and I feel o heavy. I'm ready!