For those of you ladies who did IVF, did any of you get negatives at 6dp5dt and continue to have bfp? I know it can still happen but just wondering how likely it would be. We transfers one blast. Thanks for any advice!
Started TTC June 2011Cycles #1-10 = BFNCycle #11: 100 mg Clomid + TI =BFNReferred to RE March 2012HSG all clear, FSH = 13, Prolactin = 28, S/A = greatApril 2012 MRI to check for brain tumor due to elevated Prolactin = clearJune 2012 Hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyps and partial septateJuly 2012 IUI #1 7/7/12 = BFNAugust 2012 IUI #2.1 Cancelled due to early/missed ovulation = BFNSeptember 2012 Forced break due to one huge cyst October 2012 IUI #2.2 = BFNNovember 2012 Begin BCPs for IVF #1December 2012 IVF #1 = Delayed due to cyst. Start stims 12/22January 2013 ER: 1/2, 14R, 10M, 9FET: 1/7 Transferred 1 "Perfect" blast! 4 frosties!Beta #1: 99 BFP! #2: 227 #3: 584 #4: 3,020Baby Boy born September 25, 2013
I tested at 7dp5dt and it was negative, 9dp5dt I thought was also negative (had a ghosty line). My beta that day was 12. Went up from there, but I was convinced I was out until the beta came back!
We transferred 2 and on 5dp5dt it was negative. On 6dp5dt it was a squinter. And now I'm 25 weeks with twins. It is possible!!! Good luck
Married 8/14/10 *
TTC since Aug 2010 *
Met with RE in Feb 2012 *
DH: low motility, low sperm count, elevated FSH *
Me: Stage 4 Endometriosis *
Laparotomy to remove endo in May 2012 *
June 2012 - DH on Rx to hopefully increase count/quality *
Re-tested sperm 10/22/12, count/quality have both dropped *
IVF #1 w/ICSI * Transferred 2 beautiful embryos on 2/18/13 * Beta #1 3/1/13 - 636!!! Beta #2 3/3/13 - 1796!!! First ultrasound scheduled for 3/18/13
Re: POAS questions for IVF
I found these sites helpful after my ET. Hope they help :-)
March Sig Challenge