
Combi vs Joovy?

After reading up on double strollers online and on this board we have narrowed our choices down to the Joovy Scooter x2 or the Combi Twin Sport. Which is best in your opinion? Any cons to either? Also I don't have a BRU coupon in possession currently to read the fine print but does anyone know if you can use a coupon there for the Combi? It says they sell in stores which I would prefer so I can avoid shipping charges. TIA!

Re: Combi vs Joovy?

  • I have the Combi and have never used a Joovy so I can't compare exactly. But I love my Combi. It folds up quick and very compact. It fits through a standard doorway. It's super light. Easy to maneuver. The cons... The cup holder is kinda crappy. The shades aren't super big but okay. The basket under the seat is pretty small. The cons are pretty small issues, in my opinion. All the pros are all big deals for me.
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  • No experience with the Joovy but I love my Combi! Check around online I paid less for mine than instore at BRU. And that includes shipping.
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  • I have the Joovy and love it. The sun shades are great, there is a decent amount of storage underneath and behind each baby, and there are two cup holders. We bought it from BRU and used a 20% off coupon.  It also fits through standard size doorways and fits in the back of both of our cars (Acura TSX and VW Passat).  The babies love it and we always get compliments about the stroller when out (small).

    hope this helps. 

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  • I am on my second Combi and love it. The one I purchased almost two years ago (right before I had the twins) broke (my 10 year old fell on it, long story) I called the commpany and they said it was our of warrenty. I explained the situation and paid s/h they sent a brand new model: it has a much larger sun shade than my first, but for all of the reason listed above, I love it!
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