Special Needs

New therapy office...

Well, yesterday was the first day in our therapy clinic's new location, and it was awful. Right when I walked in and saw the carpet, I knew it was going to be bad. DS is a visual stimmer - he follows lines out of the corners of his eyes, and in doing so, tends to run into things such as walls, furniture, etc. The new carpet was beige with a busy pattern that includes several contrasting straight lines running through it - long lines that run the entire span of the room :(  That (he wanted to follow the lines down the hallway and into the therapy areas), coupled with it being a new environment, led to a massive meltdown in the waiting room - hitting, arching his back, screaming, biting, crying - it was terrible. Then, at his actual appointment, it was next to impossible to get him focused on anything besides the carpet. Back and forth, back and forth...

 I guess there really isn't a point to this post, other than to vent to people who understand. I am really hoping he adjusts to the carpet, but I am not feeling very hopeful. Even his SP said that he was the first thing she thought of when they took the tour of the new building and saw the lines in the carpet. 

K, born 05/06/10 B, born with a few surprises 07/20/11  

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