Aric started potty training at the end of september. we did the technique where you do it in one weekend, filling them with liquids and having them run around in under wear. it worked great for him and by the end of the weekend he was pretty trained (except #2).
he did very well for the next month. even got down #2. we bought him a toy that he loves and gets to play with when he goes poop in the potty. if he poops in his pants it goes up on the shelf until he poops in the potty again. this also worked really well for us.
I have stopped working for 2 weeks now, so I dont know if he is trying to adjust to me being home and not going to day care or what. but he just wont go anymore. If I ask him it almost takes a time out to get him to go. and it shouldnt be that way. he is now in pull ups (which I hate) but he was soaking clothes multiple times during the day on the couch.. wherever. its like he is going backwards.
any ideas on how to remotivate him? maybe this weekend I should get him back into underwear?
btw, he is turning 3 on sunday so I think he is of a good age.
Re: I need potty training help please