March 2013 Moms

What is this??!!

My DS who has been sleeping 6 1/2 to 8 1/2 hour stretches at night has recently only been sleeping 2 to 3 hour stretches!!  I am so tired and don't understand why this is going on.  I was really enjoying those long stretches at night.  DS will be 15 weeks tomorrow.  Any ideas??
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Re: What is this??!!

  • The four month wakeful? Or maybe teething?
  • Everyone says around 4 months babies may go through a more wakeful period.

    My son has been sleeping 12 hour stretches since 5 weeks old and sure enough, we went through this with him waking up once or twice. It lasted about 2 weeks and he's back sleeping through the night.

    In our experience, I think he was going through a major growth spurt.


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  • Same here! LO is 14 weeks and last night he was up every 2 to 3 hours and the night before he wouldn't stay asleep for longer than an hour so I cracked and coslept again that night. I'm really hoping this passes quickly. He won't take decent naps during the day either. Poor kid has got to be exhausted
  • I do not remember this with my older two......but I am glad ds did this being awake thing from 1am to 4 am while I am not working. It would have been really rough to have had to get up at 530 after being up so much. I finally slept with ds on the sofa since I knew dh did have to get up early.

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  • Growth spurt, teething, 4 month wakeful... Or any combo of those.

    I hate all of you STTN mamas Wink 

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  • I am so glad to not be the only one. My DD (4 months) would sleep 10-11 hours straight since two months and now every.two.hours....

    no advice, just sympathy :) 

  • imagelkm2006:
    Everyone says around 4 months babies may go through a more wakeful period. My son has been sleeping 12 hour stretches since 5 weeks old and sure enough, we went through this with him waking up once or twice. It lasted about 2 weeks and he's back sleeping through the night. In our experience, I think he was going through a major growth spurt.

    Oh I hope my baby follows suit and goes back to "normal" soon! I don't know if it's a headcold, teething, a growth spurt of just the 4 month wakeful, but DS who usually would go down at 8 and be up at 7 and wake once around 3 has been up between 3-6 times every night for the past week. I'm exhausted 

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  • I'll echo the ladies here. It could be the 4-month wakeful, growth spurt, teething, or just not feeling well in general. Jake has an ear infection right now, and since being diagnosed, has woken up at least once per night just wanting to be held.

  • "Lurking" from the April board hello I'm appreciating reading about things I have to look forward to and learning what to expect. I had never heard of the 4 month wakeful before. Good to know! My lo is 13 weeks ...
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