Omg it's getting worse.. Feels so bruised and swollen.. I'm only just over half way and understand its only going to get worse!! Is there anything you have found for relief of the pain or is it just one of these glorious pregnancy things NO ONE tells you about when they explain how beautiful pregnancy is? Please help me and my poor vagina!!! Hahaha... I'm sure my husband is sick of hearing me whinge about how sore it is..
Re: Sore vag
I was actually going to ask the group: has anyone suffered from engorged lady parts? I'm talking beyond swollen, into waddling because it hangs down so far! I'm growing concerned and not really sure what to do about it.
My Blog: Girl & Town
Yup. Totally normal. Whatever you do, do not take a mirror down there. It's an image I will never be able to forget.
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
This combined with a heating pad, warm WARM bath every night and a support belt. The belt was probably the biggest help for me!
Oh man. This feels anything but normal! Haha thanks for making me realize I'm not crazy.
My Blog: Girl & Town
Thank goodness Im not alone on this one. They can be so freaking horrible.
Ive had the vag pain too but mine comes and goes. But when it comes, look out. I am freaking miserable! I hope that you find some relief as well.