Cloth Diapering

It's official...

... I'm way into CDing.

We started CDing when DS was 7 weeks old "just here and there, to try it out and see how we like it". He's now almost 4 months old and I know we can never go back! We are going on a week long vacation so I had to put him in disposables today, so I could get all the cloth washed and packed before we head out this afternoon. I HATE IT! They're nasty, they smell, he has pieces of paper sticking out of his onesie instead of cute cloth... and inevitably this morning when changing his diaper, he peed. Normally I would just throw a prefold over the stream and if possible, fold it so the wetness isn't touching him and reuse it, and if not just toss it in the wetbag to be washed. Not so with disposables! I threw the sposie over the stream and ended up wasting that diaper! Plus, he always got rashes in disposables so I've been slathering him up with butt cream hoping he doesn't get one. The peace of mind is, I know what will cure his rash when we get home- cloth!

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