1st Trimester

Decreased symptoms

I tried to use the search to find the posts about decreased symptoms but has anyone noticed a decrease in symptoms from the 6-7 week mark? I'm not peeing as much, the morning sickness was much milder today, metallic taste in mouth is gone, and suddenly my tender breasts are normal again. WTF?
Pregnant with #3, after thee, three's complete!!

Re: Decreased symptoms

  • Symptoms def come and go. My morning sickness got worse and worse, but my breast feel normal, and I am not going to the bathroom as much, just back to normal I guess? I still get the odd bad spot, and have much worse headaches, but things change every day. I had a 12 week scan today and everything was perfect, so don't let it worry you!
  • Pregnancy symptoms come and go. It has no association with the health of your baby or the viability of your pregnancy. Some days you'll have your symptoms, some days you'll feel more relief. Enjoy the days you feel well because the further along you get, chances are you'll experience your symptoms more frequently and you'll wish you had your non symptomatic days back.
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  • Completely normal.

    I had a full on break down at 7 weeks because every symptom I was having (sore boobs, nausea ect) just stopped completely. I convinced myself something was wrong, and my fear was because of some sort of 'intuition'. I went in for an early ultrasound and everything was perfect, and 2 weeks later the nausea came back with vengeance and kept me feeling sick until 24 weeks. 

    Symptoms come and go. For me things that were supposed to happen mostly in the first trimester happend in the second (like nausea), and I got RLP and other 2 & 3rd trimester symptoms in the first. 

    Symptoms are not an indication of how your pregnancy is going. Everything will be fine, just rest, take care of yourself and stay away from google at all costs. 


  • Yes totally normal.
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  • It is normal.

  • My symptoms have been much milder the past few days. Except for the exhaustion, that is still hanging around.

    It is normal. :
  • They certainly can come and go if you're worried call our doc to give your mind some rest.
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  • Thank you for all the reassurance... My morning sickness came back with force this time, so it showed me it was just messing around.
    Pregnant with #3, after thee, three's complete!!
  • I had decreased symptoms at 6 weeks, went in for my ultrasound at 7 weeks and everything was normal.  My symptoms came back but now at week 9 I have them decreasing again.  I have an ultrasound in less than a week so I hope everything is still okay.  Why can't all pregnancies be text book?  I would worry less.
  • If it weren't for the exhaustion (and lab work of course) I would have no clue I was pregnant. My boobs got super tender, and I got super crampy the week I found out and went away immediately and freaked me out.  I get queasy once in a long while, but even when I was PG with DS, I felt nothing! My boobs are slightly tender now but that's it. No big PG signs yelling "you're pregnant"
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