My LO is 14 months old. What is a good age for starting swim lessons? I personally feel like he is too young to understand if I tell him to blow bubbles or kick his legs. Classes are a bit expensive so I would like to take him when he will learn the most. Right now he is content playing in the bathtub lol. What is the ideal age to start swim lessons when it will not to a waste of money since I'm on a tight budget?
Re: XP swim lessons
My kids have been taking lessons on and off since they were 6 months old. My DD is finally old enough to take lessons without me getting in the water (starts at 3) and is pretty darn good. I wouldn't let her swim in the deep end without me, but she can get to the wall on her own and swims a little under the water.
When they first started taking lessons (mommy & me class a the Y) it was all about getting used to the water. Being held, splashing water in their face, etc. Totally worth it, IMO.
Honestly it's more about getting comfortable in the water than actually learning to swim!
We did one session when DS was one. He HATED them and cried the entire time. They had us dunk him and I think he hated that. At the pool, though, he was never that upset. He's always been a little careful/hesitant around the water and I've been OK with that.
We started swimming lessons again and he still hates having water in his face, but other than that, he's managed just fine starting now instead of so young.
We also live in the Midwest where we're not around pools constantly.