OK obviously, it's not made up, as it was the name of my great-great-grandmother.
When picking names for DS our top contenders were Mila, Emilia, and Eliana. Mila is now out, due to a cousin naming his daughter Mila. We're down to Emilia and Eliana. DH favors Eliana while I favor Emilia, of course.
Anyway, when looking at my family tree, I discovered my great-great-grandmother was named Emiliana. A combination of DH and my favorites!
Thoughts? It sounds "made up" to me... I know it's a legit name and all, but I don't know.
I love that it's a compromise. Sibs would be Julia and Luca.
Re: Family name, but feels "made up"
I think Emiliana is a beautiful name.
It does not sound made up to me... just very unique and classy.
It's listed as a legit name on behindthename.com so I wouldn't call it made up. It may not be familiar in the US but it's still a real name. I like it.
Agree with this!
J14 May Siggy Challenge
**Colleen Donaghy**
It sounds a little smooshy, considering the names that are trending right now. But if it is on your tree it is obviously a legit option and a nice compromise for you.
Works with siblings too.