I'm debating between buying single or double layer flannel wipes and wanted to see if the doubles are worth the expense.
I'm looking at these on etsy:
But I'm also open to other suggestions! Thanks!
Re: Single or Double Layer Flannel Wipes?
Coming from a person who has used flannel wipes that I simply snipped and tore into squares, I have been satisfied with one layer. I have the same ones from 4 years ago, that are now thin, and added some new ones since then, but over all they have been fine. The surged edges are super cute though! I haven't had much fraying since the initial wash and snipping frays, but the finished edges I'm sure would be nice.
Good point from the pp about creases....I'd agree. You can always fold over the single wipe if you want the double layer for an initial wipe on the bottom.
I had the same concern. So I ended up making both. Single and double flannel. And single and double terry. And mixed. It was super cheap (14 bucks for 6 doz) so I won't feel bad if some don't get used.