
Those who have BF more than one baby

I haven't posted here before, but I had a question, when I BF DS we had a bad start, he was a preemie and wasn't able to feed for about 5 days, then he couldn't latch, so we used the nipple shield for 3 weeks, at the time I pumped too to keep my supply up, I have pretty flat nipples, so it took a long time to latch even after the nipple shield. Then after about 8 weeks my milk really came in and I went from under supply to oversupply, which also led to latching issues.

All in all the first 11 weeks were not fun, but we got through it, then the only issue was that I leaked really badly for the first 6 months, after that it was like my boobs got the hang of it, and we were fine until 15 months when DS self weaned due to low supply from this pregnancy.

Anyway, long story short, I was wondering whether any mums who have BF two babies could let me know whether I am in for the same thing again (hoping not to have the preemie issues obviously), or did you find it easier/less supply issues etc with the second baby?

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Diagnosed with Anti little c antibodies. DS1 7.11.11 - Anaemia and Jaundice. 10 days in the NICU, 1 exchange transfusion and 4 blood transfusions. DS2 29.8.13 - Anaemia 7 days in the NICU and 1 exchange transfusion. Both are now happy and healthy. 

Re: Those who have BF more than one baby

  • Your milk should come in faster since it hasn't been long since you stopped BFing.  It was the same for me, DD self-weaned when I was 10w pregnant and my milk came in really fast with DS.  The other thing you have going for you is that you are more experienced you know what a good latch looks like and can spot a problem.  
  • I had different problems all three times, but in regards to the flat nipples, one of mine has improved a lot and both are better than they were the first time around, which has helped with the latch this time (my LC said they "improve" after each pregnancy and nursing each time). I wasn't expecting the new issues because I was so focused on overcoming the problem I had with previous baby.  My ped dr joked I can become an LC after dealing and going through all the issues I had with nursing and pumping for my three boys! GL
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  • 1st time was bad - ended up EPing after a NICU stay, 2nd time cakewalk.  (well, not that easy but normal issues and no major problems)  I also felt so much more confident.  

    image   image

  • I had a much easier time with DD2.  With DD1 I had low supply and with DD2 my supply is perfect.

  • I didn't attempt BFing with #1.  However, BFing was way easier with #3 than it was with #2.  I really struggled with latching d/t inverted nipples and it was much easier the second time around.
    DD #1 Amber Lynn 12/2000, DD #2 Leia Elizabeth 6/2009, DD#3 Aayla Ruth 08/2012. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My DD had latch problems early on, though I think we were on track within the first two weeks. (I think it just felt much longer...) DS did well right from the start.

    I think if you are prepared for it to be rough again, you will likely (though not guaranteed) be in for a pleasant surprise. :)



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  • The second time was so much easier! The first time my milk came in on Day 5, DS struggled to gain weight for what seemed like forever. It hurt for two months, and DS took forever to nurse. Thankfully, we continued with breastfeeding until DS was seventeen and a half months old. The second time my milk came in on Day 2, DD gained weight like crazy, it was uncomfortable for two weeks, DD doesn't take long to nurse and I'm more confident.
    Proud Momma to two beautiful children!!!

  • Thank you for your replies, I am really hoping it is a bit easier this time, but I know it will be OK in the end Smile

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    Diagnosed with Anti little c antibodies. DS1 7.11.11 - Anaemia and Jaundice. 10 days in the NICU, 1 exchange transfusion and 4 blood transfusions. DS2 29.8.13 - Anaemia 7 days in the NICU and 1 exchange transfusion. Both are now happy and healthy. 

  • MomtoHMomtoH member
    I've had an ample supply with both kids. With my son, I stopped leaking around 6 months, but I still leak at 16 months with baby girl. 
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  • #2 was much easier, but some of it was luck. DD#2 had a better latch right from birth, maybe because she was a VBAC, instead of a c-section. But, I suppose every baby is different and #3 could be a bad latch - I don't know. But, with #2, I was definitely more confident. I knew what to do and what to expect. My supply was more accurate - I had very few over and under supply issues. I had no nipple pain, like with #1. I also haven't had a single plugged duct.
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