
Uneven supply

I pump once a day in the evening while feeding on the breast on demand. About 2 or 3 days ago my right side started producing more than my left. I have continued to alternate breasts assuming that the supply would even itself out. Tonight I pumped both breasts and my left produced 3.5oz which is normal and my right completely filled my madela pump bottle 6 or 7 ounces... When I pulled the pump off my right breast I was still leaking like crazy so put the other bottle on it to it and got another 1oz.

What can I do to even out this supply?

Abbie is only a month old and I have no plans to wean and she has yet to take a bottle if any of that was questioned...

Re: Uneven supply

  • I don't have an answer but I had the same thing. I started off even & have no idea why but one side made twice as much. I thought about pumping longer on the less side but could never follow through. DD doesn't seem to mind. I call my right "the big & juicy".
    TTC since 1/2008
    BFP 7/2009 m/c
    BFP 9/2009 m/c
    Clomid IUI 12/2010, 1/2011, 2/2011 All BFN
    IVF #1 6/2011 BFN, no frosties
    IVF #2 2/2012 BFP
    DD born 10/2012
    FET 9/3/2013 BFN, no more frosties
    IVF # 3 11/3/13 Canceled after retrieval d/t severe OHSS, 3 frosties
    FET #3 2/2014 BFP Twins!
    B/G Twins born 9/2014 at 36w4d

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  • My right (or dominant side) always produces more. This is normal. Read more about it at:

    photo 9acca2d2-3800-4433-bb71-c445948b76cf_zpsd9667865.jpg


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  • imagepmduggan01:
    My right or dominant side always produces more. This is normal. Read more about it at:

    Thank you so much!
  • I have always gotten 1.5-2 times more from the left side. No matter what I do, it hasn't evened out. I don't think it's a big concern though.

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