My LO is 6 weeks old and I've noticed that suddenly my breasts don't feel as full as they used to before his feedings, in particular my left breast. LO is getting very frustrated when I try to feed him at my left breast... he'll latch for maybe 30 seconds to a minute and pull away crying. When I switch him to my right breast he seems to be fine.
I tried pumping my left breast after he fed at it for maybe a couple minutes and only got 1 oz. I've had oversupply this whole time so I'm used to getting a lot more when I pump and I'm sure LO is used to a stronger letdown which is why he's getting frustrated.
Is this par for the course now? Will he learn to suck harder to get the milk out without being frustrated? Will my supply go back up? Is my left breast doomed to never be used again (ok I know that's dramatic but I'm so clueless right now)?
Re: Sudden drop of supply