We feed her for the last time between 7:30 and 8:30pm. She ends up getting very sleepy so sometimes she falls asleep in my arms or goes into the cradle drowsy, but a little awake and falls asleep on her own.
I feed DS around 9-9:30. He usually falls asleep nursing, but wakes up a little on our way up to his room. He squirms for a minute, then falls asleep. It's about 50/50 that he will wake up once more to eat around 2-3am. I don't see a problem with nursing to sleep at this age. I've done it with my three and the older two were and are awesome sleepers. The jury is still out on this guy.
My son is 13 months old and I nurse him to sleep at 7:30 p.m. He doesn't wake up until 6 a.m. Normally I nurse and when he is ready to go to sleep, he unlatches with his eyes closed. Then I rock him for a few more minutes and put him in the crib asleep. I know this is not "ideal" from all I've read (put to sleep while they are drowsy, but not asleep), but it works for me!
My last feeding for the night is usually around 7:30pm. At 3 months, it was closer to 6:30pm and he did nurse to sleep. His bedtime got later when we introduced solids (because he eats dinner with us every night) and around 10 months he stopped nursing to sleep on his own, but I still give him a last session before bed.
Re: Last feeding for the night?
C 7.16.2008 | L 11.12.2010 | A 3.18.2013