
Distracted Nurser - DS is 7 1/2 months

Help!  DS is totally distracted while nursing.  He is eating less during the day and more at night.  I try to go to a quiet, dim lit room.  Most of the time he laughs at the ceiling!  When my milk starts flowing, it drips all over the place - and usually DD1 interrupts our nursing sessions too.   It's especially hard to go out during the day since he barely eats before we leave the house, then he's hungry when we're out and won't nurse in public.  I guess the world is so exciting for him.  Should I bring a bottle of expressed milk?  Should I try nursing necklaces?  Is it a phase and will pass?  Should I pump to keep up my supply?

Thanks for reading =) 

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M/C Nov 9, 2011 at 11 weeks.... We love you & miss you Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Distracted Nurser - DS is 7 1/2 months

  • We went through distracted phase, but it did pass. A nursing necklace helped a bit but I just rode it out and let him nurse more at night to make up for not eating as much during the day. I did pump if I felt too full. I never gave my baby a bottle to reward him for not nursing.

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  • ec0983ec0983 member
    we're currently nearing the end of this phase (thank goodness).  i just followed his lead and made sure i had made every possible attempt to nurse him before giving up for that session.  we went through a week where he would scream and arch his back while i just held my nipple in his mouth until he finally latched, ate for no more than 2 minutes, and was then done because he desperately wanted to look at the arm of the chair at every.single.feeding.  i just let him make up for it at night, which meant a loss of some sleep for me, but at least he was getting the calories and nutrition he needed.

    in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus, for you
    1 thessalonians 5:18
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  • imageec0983:
    we're currently nearing the end of this phase (thank goodness).

    How long did the phase last?  It's been about 2 weeks so far.  I'm dealing OK, but it's just so frustrating.  And DS LOVES to stare at the arm of the rocking chair!  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    M/C Nov 9, 2011 at 11 weeks.... We love you & miss you Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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