I'm contemplating on ordering some from Canada - I've had to supplement since LO has been in DC for about 2 months (he's 5 months this week) and now he's to the point of not wanting to nurse, except for in the middle of the night when he's tired. I've tried fenugreek + blessed thistle, Mother Love Special Blend, Brewer's Yeast tablets x16/day. Pretty much everything. I know the best way to increase supply is to nurse, nurse, nurse but he refuses after about 2 minutes - he gets frustrated by my slow let down and really prefers one breast over the other in general. I've tried everything and am seriously getting depressed about it, I just want to know if it will work? It's not cheap and I am wondering if it's just another worthless attempt.
Edit: I forgot to mention that my supply has actually been dwindling the last couple of weeks - I used to pump about 3-4 oz. per session and am now getting about 2. I pump 5 times a day for 15-20 mins. Also, I tried power pumping last night and maybe I should continue that for a few days to see an increase?
Re: Domperidone
I second this, but I took 3 10mg pills/ 3xday= 90mgs/day. It made the difference for us. Without it, my DD would have been fully FF.
Thanks to both of you for your replies! Do you remember about how long it took to see an increase at all?
Edit: And I just saw that one of you said in a few days...
I'm in the same boat as you; I've tried EVERYTHING to increase my supply and it stays at 20oz a day. Fenugreek, brewers yeast, blessed thistle, more milk plus, mothers milk tea, power pumping, pumping 12x a day, oatmeal, bla bla bla. I've tried just about everything.
I ordered my domperidone 7 days ago so hopefully it will arrive soon. I told myself a while ago that this would be a last resort for me and I really hope it works.
Good luck to you! If its any help, a LC I me with recommended to keep my supply up by increasing pump sessions. I was doing 12x a day for a week and a half and was so wiped out, but I can maintain the same amount with 10x a day and no longer than a 5 hr stretch overnight.
I am taking it now. My son's pedi (also a lactation consultant and breastfeeding guru) recommended it when I couldn't make enough milk to satisfy LO. She basically said I can tell you about all of these other things you "try", or I can tell you what will actually work. She told me all about domperidone and sent me a packet of information to decide if it was something I wanted to try. I really didn't have an option, it was that or formula at that point. It worked amazingly well!
I would start with one pill three times a day. I did this, and it increased my supply so much that I could pump an extra 5 oz AFTER feeding LO. I backed down to 2 pills a day total for a while to help me adjust. With that I was just barely keeping up, so I went back up to the 3 pills a day. It took less than a week to really kick in, and once it did, wow! I was worried about getting clogged ducts or mastitis too, which is why I backed my dose down at first. I say to try the smaller dose to see if it works for you. If you don't see results in the first week, up your intake until you do see results. If I would have started with the 3 pills, 3 times a day that some mention from the start, I think my boobs would have exploded